github license chooser
github license chooser


Choose an open source license


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Choose an open source license

Non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project.

How to choose a license for your GitHub repository

2023年9月30日 — Your bsd license is BSD 3-clause license. Check this repo with the 2-clause one, which is similar to the MIT license.

Licensing a repository

The license picker is only available when you create a new project on GitHub. Screenshot the Choose a license section of the new repository page, including a.

What you need to know to choose an open source license.

It is a type of permissive free software license. Choose it if you're afraid of nobody using your software. The MIT is roughly the same as BSD and ISC licenses.


Tool that will help you select the right open license for your data or software - ufal/public-license-selector. A site to provide non

A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project - github/

保障你辛苦寫的程式碼? #opensource #license #github

點 Create new file 進來,在檔名欄位打上 license. 檔名打 license 後,在檔名的右邊就會跳出 Choose a license template ...

Software Licenses on GitHub

2023年10月11日 — The most popular software license on GitHub is the MIT License. It is a very permissive license that allows users to do almost anything they ...

License Selector

This is a license for software packages with the intent of giving the original copyright holder some measure of control over his software while still remaining ...

